Before You Begin

avast! runs silently in the background on your computer, automatically updating its virus definitions and program upgrades every time you connect to the Internet. However, in situations where your internet access is discontinuous, restricted or temporary in some way, performing a manual update would be more convenient or useful.
Note: There are two ways of updating avast! manually: The first is through the avast! main user interface, and the second is through a pop-up menu that appears whenever you right click the avast! icon located in the System Tray. Furthermore, you can simply turn off the automatic update feature through the BASIC SETTINGS pop-up window, when you click at the top right corner of the main user interface.

3.1 How to Use the Main User Interface to Manually Update avast!

To manually update avast! through the main user interface, perform the following steps:
Step 1. Click to activate the avast! main user interface as follows:

Figure 1: The Summary tab displaying the Current Status pane, displaying a typical notification of a Program version update
A program or virus definition update is indicated by an orange icon with a centred exclamation mark, instead of the usual green icon with a check mark. The program or virus definition update version is displayed in red, and the Update button now is now visible.

Figure 2: A new Program version upgrade is available
Step 2: Click to update the Program version pane as follows:

Figure 3: The Program version after it has been updated
The program version changes from 5.0.545 to 5.0.594 after this task has been performed.
The following list briefly describes each item or status icon in the Current Status SECURED pane as follows:
Tip: Click to either display or hide the information in the Current Status pane.
Real-time shields: This icon indicates whether the real-time shields are working properly. The real-time shields monitor all computer-related activities; there are real-time shields for email, the local file system, the web and other systems. If or when one real-time shield is turned off, either deliberately or by a malware attack, the avast! icon in the System Tray changes appearance to reflect this:
Definitions auto updates: This icon indicates whether the automated update mechanism is turned off or on.
Virus definitions version: This icon displays the date stamp of the most recent virus definition version. The date is displayed according to the following format: 10 refers to the year 2010, 06 refers to the month and 29 refers to the day.
Program version: This icon displays the most recent update of the program version.
Expiration date: This item displays the expiration date and time of your copy of avast!, and is the date before which it should be renewed or re-registered.
Step 3. Click to activate the following screen:

Figure 4: The main interface displaying the Maintenance UPDATE pane
The Maintenance UPDATE pane is used to update the program and virus definitions manually.
Step 4: Click to begin updating the engine and virus definitions.
Step 5: Click after the engine and virus definition process has been completed, to return to the Maintenance UPDATE screen.
Updating the avast! program upgrade follows a similar procedure to updating the engine and virus definitions.
Step 6: Click to start the update process, and start the Program upgrade process.
Step 7: Click after the program upgrade process has been completed, to return to the Maintenance UPDATE pane.

3.2 How to Use the Pop-up Menu to Manually Update avast!

The avast! program upgrade and virus definition updates can be performed through the avast! pop-up menu. The pop-up menu can be used to directly access the Maintenance UPDATE screen.
To manually update the avast! Engine and virus definitions using the pop-up menu, perform the following steps:
Step 1. Right click in the System Tray to activate the following pop-up menu:

Figure 5: The avast! pop-up menu
Step 2: Select Update > Engine and virus definitions to activate Figure 4, and then perform steps 4 to 5.
Step 3: Select Update > Program to activate Figure 6 and then perform steps 6 to 7 in section 3.1 How to Manually Update avast! Using the Main User Interface

3.3 How to Turn Off the Automatic Update Feature in avast!

In default mode, avast! is configured to automatically download and update its program version and virus definitions. However, this mode can be turned off through the Settings button in the top right corner of the main user interface.
Step 1. Click  to activate the avast! BASIC SETTINGS pop-up window, and then select Updates to activate the UPDATE SETTINGS pane.
Step 2. Click the Manual update option under both the ENGINE AND VIRUS DEFINITIONS and PROGRAM sections.

Figure 6: The SUMMARY ATTENTION pane with the Definitions auto updates turned off
Advanced users may further refine these update parameters in the Details and Proxy Settings sections. To begin doing so, perform the following step:
Step 3. Click to expand the Details and Proxy Settings sections to begin modifying the parameters displayed in each section.


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